We are pleased to announce that the 31st International Conference on Psychology and the Arts will be held at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain, June 25-29, 2014. The conference is sponsored by the PsyArt Foundation; I2ADS/Faculdade de Belas Artes, Universidade do Porto; and Sociedad Española de Estudios de Comunicación Iberoamericana-Grupo Concilium, Facultad de Ciencias de la Información, Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Our hosts at the Universidad Complutense made this all possible: Marta Bernardes of the Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, and our Co-Director, Professor David Caldevilla of the Facultad de Ciencias de la Información.
Although the primary language of the conference is English, we also welcome presentations in Spanish. Papers should deal with any application of psychology—including psychoanalysis, object relations, feminist, Jungian, or Lacanian approaches, cognitive psychology, or neuroscience–to the study of literature, film and visual media, painting, sculpture, music, performance, or the other arts. Our conference is small (maximum 75 papers), very convivial, and draws scholars from around the world. We also welcome conferees who do not plan to present papers.
The registration fee of $295 includes all sessions, all coffee breaks, opening reception (evening of June 25), two tours (June 26 afternoon walking tour and June 29 bus tour), and Sunday evening June 29 closing banquet. The registration fee is reduced to $150 for graduate students.
For reservations, contact José Luis Sánchez Gil. Conferees make their own individual reservations by email (joseluis.sanchez@husa.es) mentioning the International Conference on Psychology and the Arts and the meeting confirmation code 768045.
From the Hotel to the Facultad de Ciencias de la Información: Metro Line 6, 2 stops. (From Arguëlles to Ciudad Universitária, http://www.metromadrid.es/es/viaja_en_metro/red_de_metro/planos/index.html)
25 minute walk (http://goo.gl/maps/Nk0es), or 7 minutes by taxi (http://goo.gl/maps/3muAT).
Papers should be short, 20 minutes at most. Please observe the time limit to allow for the maximum number of presenters. Normal speaking rate is 140 words per minute, and, for clarity, a scholarly presentation should be somewhat slower. Our standard 20-minute limit allows you to speak about 2400 words or eight to ten pages maximum. An additional ten minutes are allotted for discussion for each paper, usually at the end of the session. For each session, there will be a moderator responsible for keeping speakers within 20 minutes. The moderator speaks last, and it is therefore to his or her interest to keep to the schedule.
If submitted for publication after the conference, papers can be as long or short as you like.
We recommend that speakers in English who are not native speakers of English accompany their talks with PowerPoint.
Please prepare your abstract and add it to the registration form below. Abstracts must be less than 150 words. Any excess will be cut.
The deadline for sending us your title and abstract is May 1 or the time at which we have 75 accepted abstracts, registration forms, and registration fees, whichever comes sooner. Once you receive notice that your abstract is accepted, you can pay your fees to be assured a slot on the program.
For a complete registration, we require three items:
Important: Include your e-mail address below. It will not come through to us automatically from this form, and, if we don't have it, our communications with you will be impossible. Make sure it is typed correctly.
If, by April, you are not getting e-mail from us, let us know. Do not assume that some currency arrangement you made the previous year is still effective. Do not leave your registration for some friend to do. Make sure that we have your complete registration (all three items) and your correct e-mail address. Fill out a separate form and pay for each accompanying guest.
Last-minute changes in titles, abstracts, and schedule cause great difficulty for the organizers. We will not accept changes in title or abstract after June 1 nor changes in the schedule after one week from the time the organizers e-mail the schedule.
Your conference registration fee pays for a reception Wednesday evening June 25, sessions from Thursday through Sunday morning, coffee breaks, a walking tour on Thursday afternoon June 26, and a bus tour and a final banquet on Sunday, June 29. The registration fee is $295 U.S., $25 of which is a tax-deductible donation to the PsyArt Foundation which supports the conference, the journal, and the listserv. Registration for graduate students or for accompanying children under 18 is $150.
You must pay the registration fee for yourself and for all accompanying friends, spouses, partners, or family members, if they will participate in conference events, whether or not they attend sessions. Deadline for receipt of registration fees is April 15, 2014. Any payments received after April 15 must include a late fee of $30, and no payments will be accepted after May 15.
The registration fee (except for the $25 donation) is refundable for any reason until June 1, but not for any reason thereafter. The donation makes you a member of PsyArt, entitled to attend and vote at the annual meeting to be held on Sunday, June 29 , in Madrid. Please do attend and vote.
U.S. registrants can send a check to our treasurer, made out to "PsyArt Foundation":
Alternatively, both U.S. and non-U.S. registrants from many countries can pay through our PsyArt account at PayPal.com. That way you can charge your registration to your credit card over the Internet with no delay and save the bother of writing and mailing a check. If you do pay this way, however, we ask that you add 4% to your payment, because that is what PayPal charges us for a credit card payment into the account.
For Western European and other non-U.S. registrants, our local bank puts a heavy surcharge on foreign checks. We much prefer that you use PayPal. If necessary, you can arrange a check for us through your bank. Non-U.S. registrants who cannot arrange payment through their banks or through PayPal should contact Elizabeth Fox.
Registrants may choose to sign up for a PayPal account during the Web "Accept payment" process. An "account" simply means telling PayPal your name, address, and your credit card number.
Signing up for a PayPal account does not commit you to anything—it just enables you to use your credit card to make payments on the Internet to this conference (and anything else that catches your fancy). The Wall Street Journal assures us that this method of payment is more secure than check or money order.
To begin the PayPal payment process, click on the icon:
Late registration!